The Gruffalo by Julia Donaldson – review

“A delightful experience, one which my daughter enjoyed immensely and tapped into the joys of theatre when it meets children's literature”.

Lyric Theatre
Review by: Ronke Lawal
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Published: Wednesday 24 July 2024, 6:40am

The Gruffalo by Julia Donaldson, Lyric Theatre
The Gruffalo by Julia Donaldson, Lyric Theatre

I was a teenager when The Gruffalo was first published so I missed the wave of popularity that surrounded the book back then which has stood the test of time over the years. Of course, even without being a child most of us have heard of it and so it was with much excitement that I was able to take my two-year-old daughter to experience The Gruffalo live on stage at the auspicious Lyric Theatre.

With a small cast of three, the characters were brought to life with an engaging stage presence and vibrant performances.

Kemi Clarke as Fox, Owl and Snake was awesome, especially as Snake. Elouise Warboys gave a seamlessly adorable performance as Mouse. David Scotland was an extremely believable Gruffalo with a bold, mighty and yet endearing performance.

We were taken on a journey through the deep dark forest that was not only intimate but serene. The hour-long performance felt short when you consider the fact that the talented cast managed to keep an audience full of toddlers and tots entertained for so long.

The singing and music were well composed for an audience of little people, giving them the opportunity to get involved and sing along.

The script itself was of course based on the book but adapting it for the stage allowed for some subtle and smart inclusions which gave older members of the audience a few nuggets of humour to enjoy, too.

It was well-paced; following a storytelling pattern and format which kept my toddler interested much in the same way as she is when reading bedtime stories.  It was a delightful experience, one which my daughter enjoyed immensely and tapped into the joys of theatre when it meets children’s literature.

NEED TO KNOW: The Gruffalo runs at the Lyric Theatre until 8 September 2024

the-gruffalo-by-julia-donaldsonI was a teenager when The Gruffalo was first published so I missed the wave of popularity that surrounded the book back then which has stood the test of time over the years. Of course, even without being a child most of us have heard...