Gospel Sundays Amazing Grace Show
25 Aug 2024

Toulouse Lautrec, Kennington London

Gospel Sundays Amazing Grace Show
Gospel Sundays Amazing Grace Show

Gospel, spirituals, Ragtime and Blues: Music & Stories

We aim to take our audience on a journey that encompasses culture, spirituality, music, and education. This journey will explore the harrowing enslavement of African slaves, the realities of plantation life in the Deep South, and the unyielding desire for freedom that led to the development of these music genres.

At Gospel Sundays, we believe that it is important to continue to educate our audience about the history of gospel music and how it has played a significant role in the African American (& British) culture. Through our storytelling, we hope to shed light on the origins of gospel music and how it has evolved over time.

As we continue to celebrate gospel music and its impact on our culture, it is important to remember the struggles and hardships that many Africans faced during slavery and beyond, and how their resilience and determination paved the way for future generations.