Following its sold out premiere in 2019, the award-winning play returns for a limited 6 week run in the Jerwood Theatre Downstairs performed by Tia Bannon and Leanne Henlon. Digital capture plans will follow in due course.
seven methods of killing kylie jenner explores cultural appropriation, queerness, friendship and the ownership of black bodies online and IRL. “Look it’s two two tweets that helped me vent my frustrations. It’s really not that deep…”
Holed up in her bedroom, Cleo’s aired twenty-two Whatsapps from Kara and has cut off contact with the rest of the world. It doesn’t mean she’s been silent though – she’s got a lot to say. On the internet, actions don’t always speak louder than words…
I’m weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeak”
Jasmine Lee-Jones won multiple awards for her debut play directed by Milli Bhatia including the Evening Standard and Critics’ Circle Most Promising Playwright Awards, and the Alfred Fagon Award. She originally developed as a writer through the Royal Court Theatre’s Young Court programme as part of their commitment to nurturing new voices. Milli Bhatia, who was previously Trainee Director at the Royal Court and is now a Literary Associate, directs.
Commenting on her play being the first to welcome audiences back to the Jerwood Theatre Downstairs, playwright Jasmine Lee-Jones states;
“It’s been nearly two years since my first play opened at the Royal Court. In that time the world has been filled with all number of storms – and not just of the Twitter variety.
In that time, like many of us, I’ve often questioned the value of both theatre and storytelling as awhole. What is its purpose? Where does it fit in a world ravaged by death in the wake of COVID and all other manner of institutional violences? To that question one answer seemed to ring loud and clear. As a writer, it’s my job to dream. And, in my experience, even when one is in seemingly the most dire of circumstances the capacity to dream is the only thing that can help us imagine a reality that transcends our current circumstances and, in doing so, give us the faith to face another day.

The thing I missed the most about theatres as they shut down worldwide was the feeling of being in an audience with people, everyone agreeing to that magical contract of taking an imaginative leap to pretend whatever is placed in front of them onstage in that moment is real. As such, after all that’s happened over the past two years that makes my job very special. To have the opportunity to have an audience in communion with my innermost thoughts, conflicts and imaginings.
To have an audience share in my dream. It’s good to be back.”
The creative team for seven methods of killing kylie jenner includes Rajha Shakiry (Designer), Jessica Hung Han Yun and Amy Mae (Co-Lighting Designers), Elena Peña (Sound Designer), Delphine Gaborit (Movement Director), Jemima Robinson (Associate Designer) and Shereen Hamilton (Assistant Director).
Half of all tickets for seven methods of killing kylie jenner will be available for £18 or less.
seven methods of killing kylie jenner was originally part of the Royal Court’s Jerwood New Playwrights programme, supported by Jerwood Arts.