The Black British Theatre Awards is the first ceremony which specifically recognises and celebrates the contributions of black people in the arts. Categories such as Best Dance Production, Best Teacher of Performing Arts as a subject, among others, all seek to amplify the positivity of talent and creativity in British theatre.
“Despite recognition of shows like Hamilton and Nine Nights and people such as Kwame Kwei-Armah, visibility of Black British talent is still relatively poor”, explained award-winning director Omar F Okai.
“The British Black Theatre Awards is a positive and exciting way to illuminate this incredible black talent”.
Defining Black British Theatrical Nominees for BBTA.
People of African diaspora and of mixed Black African and Caribbean heritage, born or raised for the large part of their life in Britain or as a resident for a minimum of three years. Defining Black theatre productions for BBTA.
Defining Black theatre productions for BBTA.
Productions must have a cast where a minimum of 50% are of African diaspora and of mixed Black African and Caribbean heritage and/ or the production should be based on Black subject matters.
NEED TO KNOW: Nominations will remain open until the 2 August 2019 (extended to 16 August) All nominated artists and work must have been staged in a theatre during the period 1 August 2018 to 1 August 2019 and by an affiliate member of the Society of London Theatre. Here is the list of all categories: